Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How Stupid is the Mainstream Media? Pedobear Olympic Stupid.

Since it's staffed with burned out hippies & cretins who Twitter and Facebook all day, pretty stupid.

Don't think so? Then WHY are a number of major news outlets reporting that PEDOBEAR (of 4-chan fame) is an Olympic mascot?? Don't believe me?? Here is an excerpt from No Agenda, Adam Curry & John C Dvorak's podcast show--

This is seriously the FUNNIEST thing I've heard about all week. Hat tip to catatonicanimal at the NoAgenda forums for making this Youtube file that sums up the whole fiasco.

Just remember kids, this is all the MSM *does*. Explicate teh wurld to j00. Badly. In the morning.

Drunky out.

"I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell (Tucker Max)

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