Friday, July 08, 2011

America's Vanishing science jobs - Josh Bloom (

In case you were wondering why I follow H1B 'Immigrant' shills like my little sahib Wadhwa as well as NASSCOM Don Tennant so closely... here's your answer: The decay of American STEM jobs:

"The folks at Scientific American have launched "1,000 Scientists in 1,000 Days" -- a program to bring together scientists, teachers and students to improve America's "dismal" showing among wealthy countries (27th out of 29) in graduating college students with degrees in science or engineering. I'm sure they mean well -- but, at least as it applies to the field of chemistry, "1,000 Unemployed Scientists Living With Their Parents at Age 35 While Working at the Gap" would be a better name.

After earning my PhD, in chemistry, I worked in drug-discovery research for more than 20 years. Aside from being a fascinating profession, it was pretty secure -- until the last decade. Then it became anything but."

(Via [Vanishing science jobs--Josh Bloom -

Josh Bloom's experience on his side of STEM hits REALLY close to home. It pretty much played out the same with MOST of the tech companies in the 90s and 00s.. except for Google and Apple. Now you know why Windows, and most tech inherently sucks. It's the Microsoft model of outsourcing, offshoring, mergers and acquisitions. Mostly due to the 'vision' of Mr. MBA Ballmer.

It's one thing when your cheapy computer crashes. What about your parents, given the "quality" of offshore-researched drugs? America, land of the cheap, reap what you sow, Boomers, yada yada, right?

And what about these out of work STEM folks? As Josh asserts, why aren't they teaching our kids?

"So, what's my solution? Well, Scientific American could tap 1,000 scientists from the pool of the unemployed and bring them into schools. When the kids keep getting the same answer to the question "Where do you work?" they'll figure it out.

We don't need more scientists -- not unless there are jobs for them."

(Via [Vanishing science jobs--Josh Bloom -

I wonder if Vivek Wadhwa can sleep at night, faced with the glaring reality of what STEM in the USA has become, instead of whining about "innovation", tech bubbles & 'startup visas.'

We do not need Fraudy's concept of 'innovation'... unless we'd like to 'innovate' ourselves into the ground. Nor do we need more 'immigrants' who will be discarded as expediently as the locals have before them.

Drunky out.

1 comment:

dgatlin said...

Hi Drunky,

I'm interested in learning more about H1-B visas... can you point me to data that describes what companies hire them and what skills they supposedly have that are better than what can be found in Americans? I'm having a hard time believing that Americans can't fill the role and this is some sort of free subsidy to corporations, with the bill footed by the taxpayer...

Thanks for any help.
