Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Don't Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses" Says Intelligence Squared US Immigration Debate Audience - Business - Press Releases -

Sometimes these blog entries just write themselves. After all, if we must grant blanket amnesty & citizens' rights to lawbreakers in the United States, what's the value of the rule of law?

If we just allow anyone in to lowball the locals in a time of really high unemployment, then what's the value of citizenship?

Like my favorite lobbyist Vivek Wadhwa, the 'immigration at any cost' folks on the panel trotted out their favorite talking points'... and didn't fare so well this time:

"With the first anniversary of Arizona's illegal immigrant law just behind us, last night's debate at Intelligence Squared US, 'Don't give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses', was a rousing, heated exchange on the nation's hottest issue. According to live audience voting, the Kobach/Tancredo team made the more convincing argument by moving the most audience votes to their side at the end of the evening although the Castro/Jacoby team carried 52% of the final vote."

(Via "Don't Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses" Says Intelligence Squared US Immigration Debate Audience - Business - Press Releases -

Despite the encouraging signs among the undecided of the audience in a real sample, I fear that it's too late for anyone seeking work over the age of 45. So maybe the Boomers will have no choice but to be cast aside --as they did to the youngs of our country.

If you ARE a young, no matter where you stand, I encourage you to see this debate. This is what the older lobbyists & politicos are debating in the back rooms of DC. And what, in 3-5 years you'll have to live through when you enter the job market to pay off the sins of the (Boomer) past.

Drunky out.

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