Friday, April 09, 2010

Team Aaaaaaapple, Fuck Yeah! Platform Police, Yo!

Over at the NoAgenda fora they're talking about the latest move by 'Team Apple...fuck yeah!'.. my take:

Some devs and I are twatting about this; from me twatting-

1/ Apple's like China during the Opium War. Take your Flash Opium & GFTO of our country. Issue was Opium but other trade was hurt. (in other words, there's going to be collateral damage, but it's negligible).

2/ If Apple 'wins the war' then Flash goes the way of Opium. If Apple loses the war, then Apple goes the way China did after the Opium War. (either Flash dies, or Apple is forced to open things under duress ala MSFT anti-trust MUCH later).

3/ That's what all the Flash & VB script kiddies who now call themselves 'Devs' are scared shitless of. Being the next MIDI or animated gif. (and magazine / blog content bunnies. They knew about this dick move weeks ago, hence all the iPad hateration).

3/ Sure it's a dick move by Apple. Either way, in a Jon Nash way of looking at things (game theory) Apple 'wins'. To NOT make the move = lose.

4/ That's why when companies get to a certain size, if they DON'T make dick moves like this, they invariably fail. MSFT did it. IBM did it. etc

5/ Apple didn't do it last time, guess what? We all run Windoze. YUCK. If Apple doesn't do it this time, we all get iPhone spinlock via Flash. (Mac's been second class to Windows. That was a mistake that Uncle Steve just ain't gonna repeat.)

Any Mac or *nix user who's had to deal with Flash or VB is applauding this move by Apple. All the bluster is coming from Flash (junk, porn site, crap video) or Mono (MSFT Visual Basic) "Developers". Who are interested in Apple being second banana (devtalk: make it in x, port to iPhone).

Apple doesn't wanna be second banana. They want to BE THE BANANA (devtalk: No, make in iPhone programming language 1st, sloppy seconds to whoever, we don't care).

You may be uncomfortable about it, but if you're an Old, you're marveling at Apple's stones. It's like the trainman all up in Neo's grill -- 'I don't care WHO you are. I built this place.' And since it's their platform -- and not some sh*tty browser plugin.... they're right.

Lastly: Only founders -- generals, emperors, presidents -- make moves like this. Caretakers & bean-counters like lieutenants, yes-men, MBAs running the company they acquired.. are risk averse and would not do this.

[From Applicability of the term douchebag to Apple]

Just remember kids: There are dicks, assholes and pussies. Better to be an onshore dick than an offshore pussy. Or asshole. That, and money talks and non-dick bluster walks.

Drunky out.

[For all you Flash & Mono 'non-dicks' in Chindia]

"Beginning Mac Programming: Develop with Objective-C and Cocoa (Pragmatic Programmers)" (Tim Isted)

Monday, April 05, 2010

Ages of Doctor Who actors on their debuts « The Reinvigorated Programmer

Here's an interesting point to the whole 'gee, there's a new Doctor Who' thing: Ages of Doctor Who actors on their debuts-- to whit: They're all getting younger. I have some yen, which I dropped as a comment over at RP:

Um, just a couple thoughts from a ‘yank’ across the pond who used to see Doctor Who on Public Telly here — since everyone else has tackled the non-fiction angle I thought I’d take a stab at the fiction one:

1/ Um, they’re called *TIME* Lords. It’s all about non-linearity of *time* including concepts of ‘age’. And along that line,

2/ What if ‘youth’ is their version of ‘growing old’? Seems to me the symptoms are much the same coming from one end and going to the other. Maybe the Time Lords (who live in and out of time in a non-linear fashion) would see this paradox more as a rite of passage or something even less.

3/ Why do I suspect that this was *planned* from the very beginning?? I predict that the next Doctor will be even younger, and by 2050 Doctor Who will *really* be a chidrens’ show.

I think the only thing that would really distress me is if they made Doctor Who some type of ‘hipster’ or trendoid. But that’s just me.

[From Ages of Doctor Who actors on their debuts « The Reinvigorated Programmer]

I really do enjoy Doctor Who, if only for the fact that except for one dark moment, it remains un-poisoned by the hentai tentacle rape that is Hollywood.

-Drunky out.
